#SOTD 91: A beneficiary story to start a non-profit pitch (Aavishkar)

This week is a special one on #SOTD - I'll be sharing good storytelling examples from the social development sector in India.

So one of the organisations I work with is a remarkable one called ILSS - India Leader for Social Sector.

ILSS runs programs for developing social sector leaders. One of the programs is focused on fund raising skills. (Check if out if you are from a non-profit!)

As a part of that program, I run a course on Pitch Storytelling techniques.

In every cohort of that program, I come across some amazing organisations doing valuable and impressive work.

This week I'll be sharing examples from the pitch decks/videos of 5 such organisations from the latest cohort.

Perhaps you are part of a social enterprise and may find these examples inspiring. Or if you know someone who is, please forward these mails to them!

We start with our first organisation - it is called Aavishkar and it works on making math and science (STEM) accessible and fun for children and teachers.

The story technique that I want to highlight in Aavishkar's deck - starting with the story of an individual beneficiary.

I loved the use of contrast in the Story - a girl who's afraid of math is given that very subject to teach! Also note the lovely conversational tone in the writing.

During the presentation, Aavishkar shares its background, approach, impact etc.

And later they book-end the pitch with how Anjali has come full circle.

Starting your pitch with the story of one individual beneficiary is a powerful way of making the problem relatable and worth solving for.

#SOTD 91


PS: Here is the context for #SOTD and the 'Ultimate Guide to Storytelling Techniques' framework I use - in case you joined this series late! Here is the archive of previous posts. Click here to subscribe.

Ravishankar Iyer

A Storytelling Coach More details here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ravishankar-iyer/

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