#SOTD 24: Connections

Over the last two days, I wrote my analysis here and here of the storytelling techniques used by Prof. Poast in his tweet thread on the Russia-Ukraine war.

Today, let's look at the next set of tweets from that thread.

Take these two sentences:

- Russia is already coming up short on material, manpower and money.

- It was reported yesterday that Russia is turning to China for material and "other" assistance in prosecuting its war in Ukraine.

Two perfectly normal sentences. Think of them as well-formed bricks that are ready to be made into a story house.

Ah, but those bricks need some strong cement to hold them together.

You need to connect the bricks to each other.

Here's how Prof. Poast does that in his thread:

- Russia is already coming up short on material, manpower and money.

- As a result, it was reported yesterday that Russia is turning to China for material and "other" assistance in prosecuting its war in Ukraine.

A simple conjunction - connective tissue that holds your story together.

It may seem like a trivial element, but it matters. I've lost count of the number of presentations where I've seen messages with no connections whatsoever between them. They just seem like a bunch of slides put together without any flow.

The tweet thread is brimming with these connections. I noticed at least 11 among the 45 tweets.

Brace yourself for an avalanche of images!


#SOTD 23

The connection story technique used by Prof. Poast in his thread.

Ravishankar Iyer

A Storytelling Coach More details here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ravishankar-iyer/

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